2022-2023 COVID-19 RESPONSE
Quarantine guidelines
*Subject to change at any time based on the presence of illness in our school and community, as well as requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Department of Education.
Face Coverings
Face coverings are optional for students and staff and will not be required in school district buildings. Holdingford Public Schools fully supports individuals who choose to wear a mask as well as individuals who choose not to.
Health Screenings
Parent-/self-screening for symptoms of illness will be required. Please monitor your children carefully and keep them home when they are sick. Be particularly observant for fevers of 100.4°F or higher and/or a new or worsening cough. If you have questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school nurses (see contact information below).
Positive Cases
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days from the onset of symptoms. After 5 days the individual may return to school as long as the individual feels healthy enough to return. Face coverings are not required to return on day 6.
Individuals who are deemed a close contact are no longer required to quarantine. Health should still be self-monitored.
COVID Testing
There will be no COVID testing available for students at school.
Health Practices
As always, the school will promote good hygiene practices. Hand washes, making sanitizer available, home health checks, ventilation systems running on high, and nightly cleaning will continue to be common practices.
Holdingford Public Schools do not require COVID vaccinations for students, staff, or visitors.
Face Coverings
Face coverings are optional for students and staff and will not be required in school district buildings. Holdingford Public Schools fully supports individuals who choose to wear a mask as well as individuals who choose not to.
Health Screenings
Parent-/self-screening for symptoms of illness will be required. Please monitor your children carefully and keep them home when they are sick. Be particularly observant for fevers of 100.4°F or higher and/or a new or worsening cough. If you have questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school nurses (see contact information below).
Positive Cases
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days from the onset of symptoms. After 5 days the individual may return to school as long as the individual feels healthy enough to return. Face coverings are not required to return on day 6.
Individuals who are deemed a close contact are no longer required to quarantine. Health should still be self-monitored.
COVID Testing
There will be no COVID testing available for students at school.
Health Practices
As always, the school will promote good hygiene practices. Hand washes, making sanitizer available, home health checks, ventilation systems running on high, and nightly cleaning will continue to be common practices.
Holdingford Public Schools do not require COVID vaccinations for students, staff, or visitors.