District NewsEmployment OpportunitiesHoldingford Public Schools is currently seeking qualified applicants for various positions. The district has the following positions available.
For more information please check out the employment page. If you are interested, please contact Linda Zapzalka at 320-746-4307. April School Board MeetingTopic: April School Board Meeting Time: Apr 15, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99831265285?pwd=YXZDaTRTanUzRENLWFBMS3pGamtpZz09 Meeting ID: 998 3126 5285 Password: 7icw8y HS Staff Message to StudentsPreschool ScreeningThe most recent preschool screening and all April screenings have been postponed. All dates will be rescheduled and families who were previously signed up will be contacted when new dates are scheduled. Thank you for your understanding.
COVID-19/Health InformationIn response to the recent report by Stearns County Public Health of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Stearns County, Superintendents from the county have agreed upon shared school operations protocols. The districts will follow the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “Mild/Moderate Mitigation for Schools with COVID-19 Cases in their Community.” https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/community-mitigation-strategy.pdf The districts will also continue to partner with local health officials, Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL), Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). The following protocols will be in place in our districts beginning March 16th and will continue until further notice. Due to daily changes from the CDC and MDH this date will be continued to be evaluated and adjusted.
Stearns County Superintendents are committed to the health and safety of all students, staff and families. The districts will continue to monitor developments of the coronavirus COVID-19 and regularly update the community. Minnesota Department of Health https://www.health.state.mn.us/disea…/coronavirus/index.html Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html Survey RequestAs part of the re-authorization of Perkins Funding (Perkins V), each Perkins consortium in the state is required to complete a Local Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CLNA) every two years. The intent is to align our Perkins grant application and spending to the data found in this needs assessment.
If you have a student in grades 7-12, your input is appreciated. Please consider taking the survey below. Link to Survey Kindergarten Roundup DatesWe are excited to invite you to our upcoming Kindergarten Informational Meeting on Monday, March 9, 2020. This meeting is for families of children who will be attending our Kindergarten Program for the 2020-21 school year. We have two meeting time options for you to choose from. In order to be respectful of everyone’s schedule, we will be starting promptly at 4:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. The meetings will be located in the Elementary Media Center, which can be accessed through Door #8 at the front of the Elementary School.
New Website for Lunch and Breakfast MenusMenus for breakfast and lunch are now available on Nutrislice. The new menu format will allow families to access the menus more easily from their computers or mobile devices via the app. Many of the foods have complete nutrition information and photos so young students can see what an item will look like.
Skyward OutageOn December 23rd, Skyward will be offline. Parents, students, and staff will not be able to access accounts. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Holdingford School Board Election ResultsThe School Board Election was held for Independent School District No. 738, Holdingford Public School, State of Minnesota, on Tuesday, the 5th day of November, 2019, for the purpose of electing four school board members to four year terms. Terms begin January 2020.
There are five candidates running for four positions they are Robert E. Knettel, Jr. - 201 votes Lori Opatz - 201 votes Evelyn Martini - 188 votes Elissa Ebnet - 166 votes Josh Ottman - 159 votes Write in - 3 votes Rob Knettel, Lori Opatz, Evelyn Martini, and Elissa Ebnet are elected to serve 4-year terms on the school board. Questions can be directed to Linda Zapzalka at 320-746-4307. 2019-2020 Preschool ScreeningHoldingford School is pleased to announce the 2019-20 preschool screening dates have been set. Please contact Christy Gustafson at 320-746-4462 to schedule for your child.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Monday, January 20, 2020 Monday, March 23, 2020 Friday, April 3, 2020 Fall NewsletterThe Winter newsletter is now available. If you did not receive the newsletter in the mail, please click here to access an online version.
Building Bond Referendum, Operating Levy and School Board ResultsOn November 6th, 2018, residents voted to allow Holdingford Public Schools to issue building bonds to address space needs, aging infrastructure, safety, security, and site-related needs as well as improvements for our technology equipment and infrastructure. Holdingford Public Schools would like to thank our residents for supporting our students, staff, and schools by passing this referendum. This project will allow our District to address physical facility needs and better meet the changing needs of educational and instructional programs through updated technology.
Now that the referendum has been approved, we will begin the design process and set construction timelines with the input of our community. We thank everyone that was actively involved throughout this important process for the needs of our Holdingford students, and we look forward to the future of our District with your support. Question 1 - Building Bond Referendum Yes - 1419 (57.92%) No - 1031 (42.08%) Question 2 - Operating Levy Yes - 1235 (50.39%) No - 1216 (49.61%) School Board Election Evelyn Martini - 1140 (51.33%) Josh Ottman - 1067 (48.04%) Write-ins - 14 (0.63%) Holdingford Elementary - 2016 Reward SchoolHoldingford Elementary School was named a 2016 Reward School by Dr. Brenda Cassellius, MN Commissioner of Education. After being ranked in the top 15% of schools in the state, congratulations are given to the students and staff!
SkywardParents and students may access Skyward for grades, classes, and updating personal information. Login details given at Open House. Get the Skyward Mobile App for Iphone/Ipad (Itunes), or Android.